Audience or Contestant?

Life is a spectator sport and we are all in the arena. What we do inside the inside it depends largely on everyone of us. We can choose to be spectators or we can choose to be participants. If you notice there are always more spectators or audiences in the arena compared to the participants of this life’s contest. The happiness of the spectators are dependent on the performance of the contestants while the happiness of the contestants are dependent on their own. The spectators are passively engaged, they react as things happen while the contestants are actively engaged, they make things happen.

This is not to say that the players are more happy than the audience.  I think what is important is that you are playing the role that you want, if you are happy being an audience, then so be it. You cannot be a happy audience if you are dreaming to be in the center of the arena and you are not. You cannot perform well in the center if you do not have what it takes to be there and that is the passion to engage actively in the game called life.

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