Elevator Button

I was standing there waiting for the elevator to reach ground floor. Another guy came and hit the already lighted elevator button, a lady came and did the same thing. Another guy approached and did the exact same thing! He didn’t stop there. As we stood there, he kept on pressing the button as if the elevator will come down faster if he hits the button several times!

Sometimes we approach life the same way. We want to accomplish so many things so fast that we fail to recognize that we put undue burden to ourselves and others, expecting things to happen faster than they should. We sometimes fail to realize that somethings in life are like the elevator, when you push the button, all you can do is wait.

Traffic Lights

Stop, ready, go! In that order. I believe that successful pursuit of success require that we keep a mental traffic light. We should stop to think about what we want to achieve for our selves. Stop to plan. Get ready by acquiring the resources that we need in terms of knowledge,skills and attitude. It would also be good to have a healthy dose of support from the people who are close to us. Go and pursue your dreams relentlessly. traverse this life using the knowledge and experience that you get along the way.

Enjoy the trip!